philosophical jokes one liners

  • STAR WARS A story about an orphaned boy who becomes radicalized, joins rebel organization and carries out a terror attack, killing 300 000.
  • STAR WARS A story about an orphaned boy who becomes radicalized, joins rebel organization and carryies out a terror attack, killing 300 000.
  • Your age or looks does not matter... ...your money does.
  • Politicians. Putting the N in CUTS.
  • Nobody cares unless you are pretty or dying
  • It is really weird that Russia is so homophobic considering that the Red square looks like super gay Disneyland...
  • If you are saying that homosexuality is wrong, you should not be allowed to watch lesbian porn.
  • If you are saying that homosexuality is wrong you should not be allowed to watch lesbian porn.
  • Honesty is the best policy. Unless you want people to like you.
  • Sometimes I feel like a semicolon. I don't know where I belong.
  • Hang in there!
  • I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.